Multiple dam constructions has been built, such as a overflow dam, a gravity dam, a frost wall, a walkway, a parapet wall and internal lock constructions. Walls that are up to 17 meters high, structures of the sloping part of the dam with a height of almost 18 meters and many more constructions.
The dam is a dam-like hydraulic structure designed to prevent flooding of areas so it is important to build it tight so water does not pass through the newly built constructions. The surfaces of all constructions are made of natural wood pattern.
Consto Anlegg Midt AS
Året slutade
Monolitiskt byggnadsprojekt
Mängd gjuten betong
2200 m³
Vi har slutfört mer än 200 bostadsbyggnader, statliga byggnader och viktiga infrastrukturprojekt i Norge och Sverige.